liquid bitumen câu
In the United States, large deposits of oil sands bitumen remained untapped.Tại Hoa Kỳ, các mỏ cát dầu lớn vẫn chưa khai thác. Learn m...

diluted bitumen
"I believe the federal government and the government of Alberta do not understand the depth of feeling that the transport of diluted bi...

hard bitumen
After cooling the blowing oven and reaching them to 150-160°C, all the content of blowing oven which is hard bitumen is able to be load...

modified bitumen
Self-adhered Modified BitumenBình xăng con Modified with modified bitumenBình xăng con Modified The knowledge and experience with Ame...

natural bitumen
The concept was based on the use of natural bitumen, which Europeans believed Egyptians were mummified with.Quan điểm này dựa trên việc...

oxidized bitumen
The producing operation of oxidized bitumen mainly includes tank loading different steps, bitumen blowing, condenser external gasses an...

petroleum bitumen
Articles of asphalt or of similar material (for example, petroleum bitumen or coal tar pitch)Các sản phẩm bằng asphalt hoặc bằng vật li...

We all breathe liquid for 9 months, Bud.Tất cả chúng tôi đều thở dịch lỏng trong 9 tháng, Bud. The tunnel will now be filled with liqu...

liquid a
Drink at least 8 cups of liquid a day, suggests the American Cancer Society.Uống ít nhất 8 ly chất lỏng mỗi ngày, đề nghị Hiệp hội Ung ...

liquid-liquid extraction
Was the first to show the possibility of using counter-current liquid-liquid extraction in the separation of N-acetylamino acids.Là ngư...

absorbent liquid
Next, use a dry cloth absorbent liquid mud and wipe up the spot scratched several times.Finally you can use a clean towel to wipe the s...

boiling liquid
The souls must then cross an enormous bay, wider than the Sanzu River, and filled with boiling liquid.Sau đó, linh hồn sẽ vượt qua một ...

column of liquid
A blood pressure measurement of 140 mmHg literally means that the pressure will push up a column of liquid mercury 14 centimetres.Một p...

combustible liquid
Fires highly concentrated, combustible liquid fuel that ignites on contact with the air.Lửa tập trung cao độ, nhiên liệu lỏng dễ cháy s...

cooled liquid
Solids are sometimes formed when liquids or gases are cooled; ice is an example of a cooled liquid which has become solid.Chất rắn đôi ...

cooling liquid
In an Asetek liquid loop system, the cooling liquid is primarily water.Trong một hệ thống làm mát khép kín của Asetek, chất lỏng làm má...

cryogenic liquid
In cryogenic liquid and solid form (dry ice), carbon dioxide is used as a coolant down to temperatures as low as minus 79 °C.Ở dạng lỏn...

dielectric liquid
It's a dielectric liquid, which means electronics can be submerged in it and continue to operate normally.Đây là một chất lỏng điện môi...

discharge liquid
Industrial Waste Water: Industries which discharge liquid waste into a surface water body are required to monitor TOC.Đối với nước thải...

evaporated liquid
When the service liquid valve is connected to the water supply, it will replace any evaporated liquid.Khi van chất lỏng dịch vụ được kế...

flammable liquid
And the liquid is a volatile flammable liquidHơn nữa chất lỏng này là chất lỏng dễ cháy và dễ bay hơi It is effective for Class B flam...

freezing liquid
Freezing Liquid nitrogen can be used to freeze and destroy the growth.Khí nitơ lạnh sẽ được bơm vào để đóng băng và tiêu hủy mô. You m...

frozen liquid
Glasses are liquids that are cooled in the manufacturing process to reach a stable "frozen liquid" state.Thủy tinh là chất lỏng được là...

gas liquid
The separation of gas liquid is the part of the pump body that is outside the chamber.Việc tách khí lỏng là một phần của thân máy bơm b...

heat of liquid
Specific heat of liquidNhiệt của LIQUID cụ thể Determination of Specific Heat of LiquidNhiệt của LIQUID cụ thể